Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The compulsive Liar

So I have a huge problem. I have a compulsive liar. I don't mean he (Austin) lies every now and again it's almost every time I ask him a question. Every time and without even blinking an eye. He thinks he's so good. Luckily there is always something to give it away. We have been working everyday for the past 3 weeks on telling the truth. He'll lose privileges like computer time, tv time, friend time, etc. So his most recent large offense was last night. He was told not to go to the dirt pile where Aden was because it is a little to far for him to go by himself. He goes outside and we send Morgan outside to keep an eye on him and Maryn while we hurry and finish eating our dinner. Well, she runs in and says Austin went to the dirt pile. So we call austin in and ask where did he go on his bike, "Oh, I was just riding around the house and on our street!" Just like that didn't even think about do I lie or tell the truth it's lie first try to get out of it later. So we call Aden in. Hey where did you meet up with Austin. Aden says, "He came to the dirt pile and told me it was time to come home for dinner." So I think in his head he justifies his lies. Anyways regardless he lied flat out to us. So we call him back in and give him one more chance to tell the truth. We even say, Tell the truth, did you go to the dirt pile? "Um, no I was just riding around the house." So we take away TV , Computer, Friends everything basically that that kid relies on during the hours of 9 and 3:45 until his siblings come home from school. We talked about telling the truth, how Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to tell the truth, why it's important to tell the truth, and how the disciplinary action would be less if he first told the truth. So this morning he lied to me again, and again, and again, and again. All day one after another. I would remind him of why he couldn't watch TV, etc. And still as if it didn't matter he just kept lying. UUUGHHHH!!!!!!!! Well that is my update and my SAGA.


TisforTonya said...

I'm feeling your pain... and of course any punishment for a child is a double punishment for the parent who not only has to enforce it - but try to keep the kid entertained without all of the things we took away.

My issue isn't with lying currently - although I'm sure that's a part of it... it's just the general "why are teenagers such horrendous pains in the rear?"

Here's hoping for a more truthful tomorrow :)

The Gibsons said...

I can't say that I have experienced this one at least not yet. I know my sister has a liar and they punish her as well, and she will be good for a while and then do it again. They have now put her into a theropy thing. But she is a little older 8 but she started it at Austins age. I hope things work out.

Sabrina said...

I know I say this all the time but, can't child phycologist appointments be just as often and normal as pediatric appointments? I know I have a list of concerns about MY kids. Sorry, hope you figure it out or that it is a quickly passing phase.

Kamille said...

Loved our chat the other day. Miss you!

mariann and Tory said...

We had that problem a long time ago. We made them suck on soap...but then we found a better way. Put a little bit of dish soap on their tongue. IT did the trick and is worse than sucking on soap cuts it foams! ITs kinda funny too!