As kids get older things get easier but also busier. I didn't think it could get busier than having a bunch of little kids but it does. I love it though. Morgan was in Volleyball, and Austin was in Basketball. Luckily they were at the same place at the same time. That was very helpful. Morgan did a good job. They were learning to serve and Morgan couldn't get the ball over the net. I told her to pretend it was Aden's Head and really give it a wack. I was thinking that that would be a good motivator considering they fight all the time. All she said was, "That wouldn't be very kind mom." And then continued to barely hit the ball. I don't know where she came from she is a lot more delicate than I am. Austin loves basketball. He is very aggressive and really good if you don't take into account double dribbles and traveling (which they let them do other wise they would never play). He would steal the ball from whoever had it and block it. Then he would yell at his teammates waving frantically pass it to me. He is a pretty good shot as well. Of course Ashdon thought that every time we went to Basketball that it was for him.
I have been playing basketball every Wednesday night. It is one of my favorite things. I am not the greatest player but I have a great time. The ladies I play with are wonderful and very funny.
Aden is going into 6th grade. He had a tour of the school and filled out his electives. I thought it was funny because he said he didn't pick one elective because it had a fee. He chose band instead. Little does he know that I will have to buy an instrument for that class which is probably more expensive then that lab fee. Apparently there was a parents night where you could tour the school with your child. Aden was adamant that he didn't want to go. I was thinking I should go and help him to feel comfortable with the school. He said, "Mom, I don't want to go. I already know where everything is and I'm fine. I don't want to go." I said, "Are you sure? You feel ok about going there?" "Yeah Mom, I feel fine about going." So there ya go. I am sending him to a school that I know nothing about, because of course I didn't go. I had plenty of other things to do that night.
For Memorial Weekend we went to Cedar. It was so lovely. It was a bit cold though and I don't like cold. But I just love family and trees and grass. We had a great time. We took family pictures and like always that was very interesting.
you are a great mom!! so glad you guys are in our ward, it will be fun to have Adam in the bishopric!
As always, your family is beautiful! I still think we need to end up with Aden & Brigitta together. :) I can hardly believe we have 6th graders. So weird.
And, um, Adam's in the bishopric? Where's the update about that? :)
Love the family pic! I so wish I played on your team for basketball! Those were great days:} I can't believe your kids are getting soo big! Call us when you come through so we can BBQ again! That was fun!
I love your new family pic. I really would love to see you again. Now that it's summer, maybe we'll have a day we can get together?? I miss ya woman!
So glad to catch up on you guys and know you are doing well! :)
Have a great summer!
it's hard to believe these guys are beginning 6th grade! Porter also has no interest in us touring the school... go figure, I must be embarrassing! (which means I'm doing my job right?)
sweet that Morgan didn't want to Whack the Volleyball/brother's head... pretty sure mine would have grinned and that thing would have flown - we don't do "delicate"
Your kids all look so grown up since Ive seen them last! I hope you guys are doing great!!!
Hey just found your blog and wanted to say hi! Reading other people's blogs inspires me to keep up with mine :-)
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