Here are the girls in the backyard playing with the rocks. We couldn't get them all to look at the same time. It was one or the other.
Austin was in Basketball with the community center. He loved it and he improved immensely. Here he is with Coach Cookie (I thought it was a weird nick name considering I have an uncle that has the same nick name and actually uses it on a regular basis too.)
He was great at stealing the ball from his opponents. He wasn't the best at dribbling down the court but by the end of the classes he was doing much better.
Ashdon's first time swimming and shocker he loved it. What a cutey. Who is getting around quite well. Still not completely crawling but will army crawl everywhere, eat everything on the ground, and is now pulling himself up to things and standing. He loves to stand it is his favorite thing. He is so completely happy. I think he wants to run around and be just one of the big kids. His skin is awful he feels like an alligator or something with really rough skin. Maryn's skin however has cleared up completely when I changed detergents.
Memorial weekend I was getting the bug to just get out of dodge and do something. So Saturday we rushed over to Boulder City (which I love because it has big trees and grass. You feel like your in a regular small town) to the BEST DAM (as in Hoover dam) BBQ. The kids did a 3 legged race and one a cookie, they also did a seed spitting contest, and tug of war. Smart n Final had a booth and was giving away free candy bars and things. Ithink that was the kids favorite part. Then we rushed home to go swimming with some friends, then rushed home again to go out to dinner for ad's birthday. It was a busy fun day. Well on Monday I didn't just want to sit around and do nothing so again I hauled my family to Mount Charleston. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! We had a picnic lunch and then went on a hike. I thought I picked a fairly easy hike but it was a steady incline all the way. The kids did great and as you can see it wore ashdon right out all that walking. This was at the top of the hike.
We stopped a lot to remove rocks from our shoes. I guess that's what we get when we wear crocs to go hiking.
What a handsome guy. Adam was great and indulged me. We sure were tired and wished we had Tuesday to rest.
What a cute bunch of kids.