We had the best family reunion in a small town called Albion Idaho. We stayed at a place called Campus Grove. It was a wonderful establishment that accomodated our large family so we could all stay together. You should check it out, there website is http://www.albioncampusgrove.com. There was so much to do and the weather was perfect. We hardly saw the kids. We played ping pong, air hockey, fuseball, volleyball, horseshoes, rode the fun cycles, jumped in a bounce house, played smack the cracker (very fun and inexpensive) and enjoyed each others company. Many thanks to Taylor and Heidi for getting things arranged so we could have such an enjoyable time. I think pictures do more justice than me rambling on so I'll just add a few.

Just a little game called smack the cracker.

The next few pictures are with the adults.

Okay so my pictures keep getting messed up and switched around. The next few are of the talent show and then there's one of Austy in a tree. So there ya go.

The girls all wanted a turn with the Microphone.

Vanessa's kid's were very creative on such short notice and did a rendition of Hey my name is O

Taylor was well just Taylor and was very funny.

The Talent Show - The kids did a remake of the song Low they dedicated it to Grandma and then sang it. It was hilarious!

Aden did his Chicken Wings

Austy sang I Am A Child of God

Aden and Tyson playing Horse Shoes

Fun Cycles

Not so easy with a big belly and a skirt!

Maryn gave him a push and then wouldn't let go until she fell!

Mom and the girls. Oh so good to be together.

The Little Girls Eating Breakfast!

I don't think this was for the adults but they had just as much fun as the kids!

There were turkey's there. Not quite sure why but the kids liked em.

Papa and Maryn are best friends now. We don't know how it happened but she bonded with papa.

The kids had a blast in the hot tub and were pretending to be drowning. It was funny. They would also get out and run around so that it would be hotter when they got in.

The Boys and two peekers from the window!