So I had to tell morgan that you have to be over a certain age to do girls weekend. She doesn't really get it because Aden get's to go Hunting with dad on Boys weekend. I just don't know what to say but I'm not about to give up my one weekend a year without a single child. Where I can do whatever, when ever, I want. Before I got there I just wanted to sleep. After I got there I didn't want to sleep and waste all of my free time. Kind of ironic isn't it. We had a great time. We ate a lot but didn't gain a pound, crafted a ton which you have seen in the previous post. I know I did it backwords but it's hard to do when you're trying to play catch up.

We had tin foil dinners and smores mmmmmmm good. We used instead of chocolate and grahams we had the circle cookies with chocolate on em. Yum so much better than the other way. I loved them and ate enough for everyone. Course I'm pregnant so apparently I was eating for 4 or 5.

Steph and me. She still thinks she's fat(Just kidding Steph). But as you can see I practically hide almost all of her. So she must be sooooooo very tiny because I'm not that big. Behind us is our rough living conditions. It had everything. It was the best.

Paige was taking this opportunity to pose for pictures. She said something about a modeling contract on the way. I believe it's for the older generation. (just teasing)
It was a great weekend and I'm grateful for my wonderful sisters. I couldn't ask for more wonderful people.